ROM’s Partnership with KCCA

Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative (ROM) has over the years partnered with Kampala City Council Authority to improve the health and social outcomes for vulnerable people in Nakawa Division. Together with KCCA we have continued to build and foster increased awareness of the important health services we offer at ROM.

Through this partnership, ROM has been able to offer effective services in the following areas:

  • Provide Primary Health Care (PHC) to the people in Nakawa division
  • Adherence, Retention and ART services to HIV/AIDS positive clients
  • Provision of HTS for everyone to know their status and when tested positive started on treatment immediately
  • TB management through contact tracing and follow up of TB patients
  • Psychosocial support including behavioral change to youth through Friend’s Forum and  young mothers’ clubs
  • Economic strengthening to women through Village Loans and association (VSLAS) Groups
  • Capacity building through trainings and provision of HMIS   health systems and piloting data base such as the point of care POC in Kampala District.
  • Support to Orphaned and Vulnerable children with formal education and vocational trainings which has enabled many youths to earn a living
  • Offered jobs to HIV positive clients who later support fellow HIV positive clients in the community
  • KCCA has provided technical support, training tools, accountability, Primary Health Care funds and continuous strategic plan visits to understand work done by ROM and her achievements as they work together.

 As part of this partnership ROM published an article in the KCCA Public Health and Environment Bulletin September issue 2 volume 1; Follow the link to the article.

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