The secret to achieving prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission at Reach Out Mbuya

By Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative

Embracing the community-based approach to end mother-to-child HIV transmission.

Mother-to-child HIV transmission, accounts for more than 90% of new childhood infections. But this can be reduced by providing HIV-positive mothers access to effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) and support services during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding.

As one of the implementers of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services Reach Out Mbuya is one of the entities that has served HIV care and treatment to 1288 mothers, 3464 exposed infants with zero HIV transmission to children. This has been possible by offering mothers services to prevent transmission of HIV to their babies through sustainable and high-quality programs that if all entities embrace, Uganda would go along way to further reduce mother to child HIV infections.

HIV Testing and Diagnosis:

For mothers who are pregnant, HIV counselling and testing is the first and most critical step in reducing mother-to-child transmission. We have a team of community staff and trained nurses who follow up these mothers and at the time of delivery they are referred to government local health facility. Rom has a team of counselors to offer each mother visiting our supported facilities counseling and testing services.

Prenatal Treatment: ART, when taken throughout pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding, can reduce the risk of HIV transmission to an infant.Mothers who test HIV-positive during their prenatal visits to ROM are immediately linked to lifelong ART and counseled on benefits of enrollment and retention on treatment.

Safe Childbirth: Safe childbirth is an important consideration for all expectant mothers and particularly for HIV-positive Mothers. Our mothers are   referred government local health facility

Postnatal Care: Reach Out Mbuya works within maternity and child wellness clinics throughout to offer a variety of integrated postnatal care services. The infants are followed up to 8months then discharged from the program mothers are encouraged to practice safe infant feeding practices in and outside the context of HIV.

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