2023 Grandmothers’ Annual gathering: seeking for health and social protection

This year, over 500 grandmothers across the country gathered at Pope Paul Memorial Hotel in Kampala to learn from each other, build solidarity and share priorities with national policy makers with emphasis on health and social protection. Supported by the Stephen Lewis Foundation, ROM partnered with five other organizations under the Grandmothers’ Consortium. The three-day gathering run on the theme; Reflect, Rejuvenate, Renew: Grandmothers rising to new possibilities.

ROM supported grandmothers based at Kasaala in Luweero District testified about ROM’s impactful support in improving their health and social wellbeing.

“Previously, I would suffer from on and off illnesses, but with the medical care, treatment and economic support from ROM, I am now well.” Nakaugo said, one of the ROM supported grandmothers.

ROM supported grandmothers from Kasaala with guest of honor at the gathering.

During the gathering also attended by Mr. Byonanebye Prosper, the Commissioner of Disability and Older Persons at the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development, six pressing problems faced by grandmothers were noted; ageism, stigma related to sexual reproduction challenges, too much kindness that causes them the responsibility burden, lack of access to information, gender-based violence especially related to land rights and poor hygiene due to lack of water and other sanitation requirements.

Grandmothers also show-cased various products; local foodstuffs, herbs, vegetables, liquid soap, crafts made as a result of skills gained through Village Savings and Loans Associations groups organized by ROM.


Mr. Byonanebye Prosper, the Commissioner of Disability and Older Persons at the Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development inspecting grandmothers’ stalls at the gathering

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