Did you know? ROM is now the Prime Implementing Partner of CDC HIV and USAID OVC Activities in Kampala District

#Hope for the Future

Given our steadfast holistic service and impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of the community, especially those living with and affected by HIV, ROM will, starting October 2023, be the prime implementer of HIV and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) projects in Kampala District.

Over the years, ROM has served a number of people living and affected by HIV and more than 45,000 Orphans and Vulnerable Children with health, emotional & psychological support, economic empowerment, gender-based violence services and much more.

Thank you PEPFAR and USAID for appreciating the work we do and entrusting us with the responsibility of changing lives and communities through our holistic approach to service delivery.

ROM staff led by the Medical Services Manager made site visits to Kampala Capital City Authority Health Centers; Kitebi, Kisenyi, Kawaala.

Below are moments of ROM representatives’ meetings staff at the said health centers respectively.



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