The Mennonite Central Committee, Uganda (MCC) appreciated ROM for improving the lives of 350 expectant and breastfeeding mothers for the last two years. Supported by MCC, ROM provides vulnerable expectant and breastfeeding mothers with maternal and child health care services such as antenatal care, hygiene and sanitation, information on nutrition, and prevention of gender-based violence among others. Antenatal care items such as a mama kit which includes cotton, a pair of gloves, soap and much more is given to the mothers and a little money as transport fare to hospital at the time of delivery.

Mr. Fred Bobo, the MCC Country Director who led the team appreciated ROM for always supporting the mothers right from pregnancy to postnatal stage. The team also met with the beneficiaries both at the ROM Kinnawataka site and at their homes in Acholi Quarters, Nakawa division.

The others testified about what ROM has done in their lives.

The MCC team talking to the mothers at Kinnawataka site.


“Before I came to ROM, I didn’t know the correct lying position for me as a pregnant woman. But now they have taught me how and I can lie down comfortably. I have also learnt how to prepare a nutritious meal for myself and the coming baby as well as washing my hands after using the toilet.” Said Catherine, a 21-year-old first time expectant mother.

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