Integrated Youth and Child Development Activity (ICYD)

The project addresses health, safety and education of Ugandan children and adolescents to enable them reach their full potential. A lot has been achieved as lives of eligible beneficiaries; children living with HIV, HIV exposed infants, Children of Female Sex Workers, Survivors of Violence against Children, Adolescent/Teenage mothers and Children of unsuppressed HIV+ caregivers. 2022 as the first year of implementation at ROM, ICYD has registered numerous achievements as explained below.

2022 project updates

A total of 46,597 beneficiaries were served (29,608males, 16,989females)
11 Trainings were carried out across the project; No means No, SINOVUYO for positive parenting,
financial literacy and Village Savings and Loans Associations among others.

Participants during a SINOVUYO training for FSWs

Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)

31,964 (17,400F, 14,564M) OVC between 0-17 years were reached
2,659 (1,012F,1,647M) OVC of 10-14 years received the prevention ccurriculum

Children Living with HIV (CLHIV)

3,407 CLHIV tracked and served
704 provided with treatment literacy
215 supported with home drug delivery
39 interruptions in treatment supported to return to care
66 supported to set up backyard gardens
3390 eligible for Viral Load (Spent at least 6 months on care)
3070 (91%) has their VL tests done
3027 (89%) had an updated VL result
2846 (94%) are virally suppressed
196 Unsuppressed CLHIV supported to undertake IAC sessions

HIV Exposed Infants (HEIs)

3,253 HEI and their mothers were tracked and served
854 (424Femails,430males) HEIs were tracked for PCR (257 (131males,126females) supported to receive 1st PCR, 213 (108males,105females)
2nd PCR, 157(79males,78females) 3rd PCR 227 and (112males, 115females) for rapid test were discharged HIV Negative.
213 Mother-baby pairs received ECD curriculum training Adolescents/teenage mothers
115 Adolescent mothers were served

A caregiver of unsuppressed HIV at her backyard vegetable garden

ICYD could not let early pregnancy shutter my daughter’s dream to attain education- a single mother’s story of agony and ecstasy


“Kuteesa had always been a good girl but I wonder what came over my 16-year-old daughter
to forget the challenges I and her have faced in life. For about one month, I watched her behavior
change and a few days later, she suddenly fell sick. Days later, Kuteesa was found pregnant and
was expelled from school. “As a single mother, I did not expect Kuteesa to do that to me. It was just
too much for me to bear, but I later accepted it. In such a difficult state, I lost hope. However, my
turning point was when I met Shamim, a Para social worker with the ICYD project at ROM.
As a savior would do, Shamim wholeheartedly supported me to look for another school for
Kuteesa to complete senior four.

She talked to one of the headteachers in the community, who allowed my daughter to attend school, moreover in boarding section. For her privacy and comfort, Kuteesa was given a separate room which she shared with another girl. With time, I got used to the situation and even started visiting her at
school. Kuteesa then refocused on to her studies. I am so proud of the headteacher who gave her another chance to complete her studies despite the difficult times, and to ROM family, who have
been so helpful in various ways; Shamim enrolled and always accompanied Kuteesa for antenatal
care at Kiruddu Hospital, gave us some baby clothes which we used at the time of delivery and continuously visited her at school with a team of ROM social workers for psychosocial support.

Shamim also introduced me to a Village Saving and Loans Association with which I save some money and share life experience with group members thus avoiding stress. I remember that ICYD meeting that I attended but was literally absent because of the stress this girl caused me. At the time of final exams, Kuteesa had safely delivered her baby and had stabilized both physically and mentally. She even passed her exams well and this made me happy.”

Although the man responsible for her pregnancy no longer communicates to Kuteesa, I am happy
she accepted to go back to school. This inspired me to forgive her and my heart is now settled.” Jessica Katana, Kuteesa’s mother, narrated.

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