Message from the Chair Person Board of Directors

Our dear stakeholders, I greet you all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this Annual Report, I am pleased to inform you that
Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative team has remained focused and faithful to the holistic service of the most vulnerable members of the community. In 2022, ROM business was characterized by a number of achievements and of course a few challenges. We have made extra ordinary progress this year, for which I congratulate every team member for their selfless efforts and commitment.

On behalf of the Board of directors, I am grateful to mention that ROM is performing to our stakeholders’ expectations and determined to achieve our mission. The remarkable changes we have made in the lives of our vulnerable brothers and sisters encourage us
to continue living our purpose to serve God through love and attention to the needs of others. Our service has been motivated by the scriptural text: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16).

Now that we have completed the 2018/2022 Strategic Plan, let us pick lessons from the challenges we faced in the five years, and set the bar even higher in the new Strategic Plan. I believe that ROM will continue to passionately serve her clients to achieve success in
ART adherence, ending stigma and discrimination and promote economic independence of those entrusted to her care.
I conclude by thanking all our donors for their generosity in sharing what you have with those in need.

We couldn’t do much without you. Let us continue journeying together for this our noble cause! May the

Lord bless you all!

Fr. Anthony Kimbowa Kibira

Chairman Board of Directors

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