Orphans and Vulnerable Children program for Social Protection; No Means No rolled out in Kampala

ROM with support from USAID has continued to serve 63,799 Orphans and Vulnerable children (OVC) in Kampala district with HIV prevention services. With this collaboration, ROM has trained No Means No instructors to deliver an evidence-based prevention curriculum to 5,892 adolescents (5,025 boys and 867 girls) of 10-14 years old, so as to reduce sexual violence and other harmful gender norms.

Adolescents are identified, enrolled and given prevention sessions at mapped schools and community safe spaces, thus enabling them to learn their roles in society and be able to use their voices to speak up about what affects them in their households, schools and communities other than resorting to violence to solve these problems.

As a result, children demonstrate improved social, negotiation and decision-making skills, ability to make the right choices to prevent HIV and GBV in and around schools, improved self-awareness and ability to use low/no cost locally available resources to make usable materials such as sanitary towels, dustbins and mats among others.

No means No, is one of the many services that ROM extends to the OVC for social, health and economic development.

Instructors guiding adolescent girls during one of the No Means No sessions

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