Paediatric Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART): When endurance and prayer out way the challenges

By Tom Douglas Opio

As a child, when one talks about the pill you develop goose bumps, for this is a disliked topic among people at this age. From my experience, the genesis of swallowing the pill is very painful because as a child, you don’t even know why you are taking the medicine but because your parent or guardian says so. To me, ART among children is such a hot discussion that many shy away from sharing given what they went through.

To me, ART among children is such a hot discussion that many shy away from sharing given what they went through. Many started medications when they were toddlers and even when they grew a little older, their parents or guardians never explained why things are because of the fear that the child might develop suicidal thoughts or hatred towards their parents or guardians. Mentally, for a child, the ARV pill comes with challenges such as its big size which is somehow scary and the length of time the child will be taking the drug. These and more affect the child’s willingness to accept the new life.

It is therefore important to note that despite the hard economic times, children on ART need to eat well, dress well, make trips and much more so as to feel happy and loved. To remain healthy, both physically and psychologically, children on ART need support in all aspects of their life. The process is so distressing that sometimes you question the existence of God whom you very well know exists, but you need a reminder. From a personal point of view, the only remedy to a successful life on treatment is to pray about the situation, persevere and remain hopeful for it is never easy as each day is a new lesson.

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