Over the weekend, it was no common day for grandmothers at St. Mary’s Catholic Church grounds Kasaala in Luweero district. The Day of older persons is celebrated every 1st October and the theme for 2022 was ‘Resilience of older persons in the changing world.’ Full of hope and excitement, the elderly women, in company of a few males entertained guests with songs, dances, skits and poems that conveyed a very powerful message to the guests and colleagues. One of the groups, Bukadde Magezi Development group presented a skit in which the old women encouraged their colleagues to enroll into Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative (ROM) Grandmothers project if they are to live a good life. Through out the skits, they figuratively referred to ROM as their ’husband’ who has given them entrepreneurship skills and supported them with different livelihood initiatives like piggery, poultry, crafts, soap making and backyard gardening among others.
Reach Out Mbuya with support from the Stephen Lewis Foundation has improved lives of over 1000, grandmothers by supporting their care and treatment, social wellbeing and economic livelihood.
Mr. Muwonge Joseph, the District Senior Community Development Officer was the guest of honor, representing the Chief Administrative Officer for Luweero district. “Thank you Reach Out Mbuya for all you do for the grandmothers in Luweero. And to the older persons representatives, please endeavor to lobby for the 10% district funds allocated for older persons development activities, particularly those in already established groups.
“This day reminds us of what jajjas (read grandmas) do in our lives; are custodians of our homes, raise grandchildren, look after animals and much more.” She said.
Hilda Achayo, the Community and social Support manager at ROM appreciated the grandmothers for turning up at the function and all they do to for members of their families. “This day reminds us of what jajjas (read grandmas) do in our lives; are custodians of our homes, raise grandchildren, look after animals and much more.” She said. She urged people to always love and value the elderly. The function was crowned with a sumptuous feast and dance by the grandmothers.
1 thought on “Reach Out Mbuya excites grandmothers on day of older persons”
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