Reach Out Mbuya’s Roses receive sewing machines

It was exciting witnessing love, commitment and service as Rotary Club of Kampala West donated sewing machines to members of Roses of Mbuya, a skills development arm at Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative. This was during a function at which new members of the Club leadership team were officially welcomed and decorated at Rozaho Restaurant at Kololo on Wednesday 22nd March.

The ROM team receiving sewing machine from DG Mike Sebalu.

A total of 20 sewing machines were given out to the beneficiaries. Anita, clad in long beautiful maroon and pink dress that she designed herself, told her heart-moving story that left many wondering how responsible and enterprising she is at such a young such a young age.

In her speech, Anita Nabimanya, a 23-year-old mother of one who represented her colleagues was very thankful to the Rotarians for the giving hand for the sake of helping those in need.

I have grown up from Reach Out Mbuya and they paid my fees from primary one to senior four. After that, I hopelessly remained home as there was no money to further my education. One of my friends advised me to go to Reach Out and learn tailoring which I did and after, I was given a sewing machine. It is this machine that has helped me aquire another advanced one (overlock) with which I have managed to make money to look after my child and mother.” Anita said.

Returns from the sewing machine have also enabled Anita to start a bakery business on small scale and she hopes to do more with her tailoring skills.

The proud Anita could not forget to recognize the efforts of the late Rotarian Susan Ajok (R.I.P), who was a strong pillar in seeing this project grow. Susan’s legacy will forever remain both at Reach Out Mbuya and at Rotary Club of Kampala west.

The District Governor of Imagine Rotary 9213 Hon. Mike Kennedy Sebalu urged the girls who received the machines to learn from Anita’s story and build their lives. He also thanked the Rotarians for making a lasting impact in the lives of the young women. “Continue honoring Rotary by honoring and celebrating vocational service.” He said.

This is the second time that Rotary Club of Kampala west is giving out sewing machines to Roses of Mbuya and the project has transformed a number of lives.

Long live Rotary Club.

Anita talking to Rotarians at the function.

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