Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Natalie E. Brown at Reach Out Mbuya’s 20th Anniversary Celebration

(as prepared for delivery at Reach Out Mbuya’s Banda offices, Nakawa Division, Kampala)

Good afternoon! I am delighted to join you today for this very special occasion – celebrating 20 years of existence of Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative, or ROM as we commonly call it. Congratulations on this milestone! I am especially touched to see not only current, but also past ROM leaders, including CDC Prevention Branch Chief Stella Alamo-Talisuna, who was ROM ED from 2006-2014; so many partners; and of course clients. I am honored to continue the tradition of having an American Ambassador participate in your milestone events. I understand one of my predecessors, Ambassador Jimmy Kolker, officiated in 2019 when you celebrated PEPFAR’s 15-year anniversary, and I look forward to sharing some of today’s photos with him. His past presence and mine today represent the enduring strength of an effective partnership. I am so happy to help expand it.

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