ROM joins Nakawa Division partners to commemorate International Youth Day

Beneficiaries under the SHE SOARS project implemented by ROM participated in Youth Day celebrations organized by Nakawa Division. The event was graced by the State Minister of Kampala Hon. Kabuye Kyofatogabye who encouraged the youth to tap into government funded opportunities like the Parish development Model and skilling programs to enhance their economic standards.

SHE SOARS actively participated in reaching out to Out of School Adolescents through promoting access adolescent friendly services; education, health, economic strengthening, and entrepreneurship. Health services included HIV testing and counselling services provided at the event venue.

Before the event, a number activities including sports and radio talk shows to sensitize youths on access to different health services among others were organized.


The chief guest State Min. of Kampala Hon. Kabuya Kyofatogabye sharing with ROM staff during inspection of the stalls during the International Youth Day Celebrations in Nakawa Division.

ROM Children’s Band leads adolescents from Nakawa Division during a march to commemorate the International Youth Day in October 2023.

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