ROM On Track In Building Resilience Among Vulnerable Children

ROM is implementing the Integrated Child and Youth Development Activity (ICYD) Project in Kampala District. The intervention strives to ensure Uganda’s children especially girls and the most vulnerable lead resilient and productive livelihoods.

Justine Amera (not real name) is one of the mothers who had lost hope after her sixteen-year-old daughter conceived the during Covid-19 lock down that left schools closed for two years. It was a tough time for her, being a single mother who had recently separated with her husband due to domestic violence.

News of her daughter’s pregnancy did not leave her the same. “I did not expect Angelina to do this to me. As a single mother, it was too much for me. Nevertheless, I counselled myself and now I am coping well. I am grateful to Shamim and the entire Reach Out Mbuya team for finding a school for my child to complete school.” Amera explained. Shamim is a para social worker at ROM, who talked to the headteacher to allow the girl start school even when she was pregnant and there was no money for fees. Noted how she was happily surprised at her daughter’s demand to go back to school even when she was pregnant.

At ROM, such is the resilience we instill in the young people to lead productive lives. Today, Angelina is properly attending her Senior Four classes and is hopeful that she will pass well.

The headteacher of the school is such an amazing soul. He has given her inspiration to complete school. He has talked to the teachers and all the learners through counselling sessions not to bully other children who have different challenges at school in addition to improving school meals.  “I used to add milk to the children’s porridge for only two days, but now I do it daily because I know this girl needs more nutrients in her food. I do the same with other meals.” He said.

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