Sexual and reproductive Health & Economic empowerment Supporting Out of school Adolescent girls’ Rights & Skills – (SHE SOARS)

Now in its first year, the project supports 15 groups of girls and boys in Nakawa and Makindye division, each comprising a maximum of 30 members. There’re also four Young Village Savings and Loans Associations (YSLA) groups of 15-20 children, in Nakawa and Makindye divisions. During the first months of adolescent sexual reproductive health training sessions, boys and girls were given an opportunity under SIDECOLE to choose a vocation, later on skills in their area of interest and Ojiambo chose mechanics.

Ojiambo is now a mechanic after ROM’s intervention

“My name is Kenneth Ojiambo. from Kirombe, Nakawa division in Kampala district. I am 19 years old. I came to Kampala in 2021, when my grandmother with whom I lived in Namayingo district sent me to my uncle in Kampala to learn mechanics, because she could no longer afford to pay my school fees. Also, my classmates always laughed at me and made me feel too old for primary school.

This work also keeps me so busy that I have been able to avoid the bad peer groups in the community thus avoiding unhealthy habits like stealing and drug abuse. My supportive uncle and teacher Mr. Luka motivate me to work even harder and own a garage. In fact, I am saving money such that my grandmother buys cows for me to rear. Ever since I joined SHE SOARS, my life completely changed and I no longer feel the pain of dropping out of school because I can now see what the future holds for me. I am so grateful to Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative for introducing such an important project plus start up kits which has improved the wellbeing of many out of school adolescents.” Keneth Ojiambo narrated.

Ojiambo at work at Kirombe zone, Nakawa Division.

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