The garage sale- giving to change the world of vulnerable children

30th July 2020 was ROM’s annual Fundraising drive, this time round a Garage Sale. The event aimed at generating funds to keep orphans and vulnerable children in school was held in the Reach Out Mbuya compound and it attracted buyers of all walks of life. Rev. Fr. Anthony Kibira, the parish priest of Our Lady of Africa Mbuya Catholic parish also graced the occasion.

A number of items including clothes, beddings, shoes, electric appliances and much more were sold at the event and the funds will be used to buy scholastic materials for vulnerable children in school. These items were donated by well-wishers some of whom were individuals and companies. Fr. Anthony Kibira thanked ROM for organizing the charity drive. He bought some of the items for himself and friends. ROMK has continued to devise different means through in order to generate funds to support Orphans and Vulnerable Children attain education.

Some of the participants  buying items at the garage sale

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