Three Years of treatment for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

It is now three years since ROM integrated the treatment of NCDs in routine HIV care and current results indicate positive strides. Previously, patients consistently presented with diabetes, hypertension, cervical and breast cancers and mental disorders which interfered with efforts to suppress the virus.

“Early screening, detection and treatment of NCDs as well as palliative care are important components in the response to NCDs.”

Despite the high costs needed for treatment of NCDs, Reach Out Mbuya has against all odds tried to treat her patients who are diagnosed with NCDs and so far, there is hope. Good news is; early screening, detection and treatment of NCDs as well as palliative care are important components in the response to NCDs. In this quarter, there were 12 patients diagnosed with hypertension, 5 of whom were males while 7 were females. There were no new cases of diabetes, breast or cervical cancer.

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