Volunteers from Germany; a tale of ROM’s commitment to train professionals

Reach Out Mbuya is a proud parent boasting about offering professional growth to people from Uganda and the world over. Antonia Pohl is a young woman from Germany who proudly confirms that offering voluntary service at Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative for eleven months has been an amazing lifetime memory. She explains that coming to a totally new country at such a young age made her anxious in the first days, but the welcoming and hearty people from ROM made it much easier for her to settle in Uganda.

“Since October 2021, I have been working in the Communication and Public Relations section where I have gained very important skills for my future career. I have always actively participated in every activity and I’m so thankful for that! When I return to Germany, I will definitely enroll for a course in media studies. I also served in the Community Support department, where I mostly enjoyed activities aimed at improving the lives of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC).” At ROM, I got that professional touch to serving the community. The staff are so friendly and committed to mentoring new comers that I now call them friends. At ROM, the volunteer year abroad fully nurtured my skills and will always be a part of the team.” With this unforgettable experience in Uganda, I wish every student would get such an opportunity.” She said.

Antonia’s account of professional growth is no different from that of many others who have gone through ROM, yet a lot more are still coming on board.

A new set of volunteers currently on board at Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative.

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