When acts of charity towards children change their world forever

Mercy and love are gifts we should embrace for an equitable society as we celebrate this year’s International Day of Charity (celebrated every 5th of September to promote charity and compassion across the globe.

In a world where people are often beset by challenges, acts of kindness and generosity serve as beacons of hope. In our communities, many people face different challenges in life but more hardship is realized by children who are confront unimaginable hardships in their young lives especially after the death of their parents say from child birth, conflicts, catastrophes, HIV or other unfortunate circumstances.

Lack of financial means to access education, health and other support services puts these children are at risk of falling into a cycle of limited opportunities, poverty and other forms of suffering. However, it is after acknowledging such levels of vulnerability that communities can unite to offer a glimmer of hope.

The Bible in Luke 6:38 says “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” As we imitate Mother Teresa’s tireless efforts to help others overcome poverty and suffering, it is our duty to do all we can to lift others from their low points to a more meaningful life.

At Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative (ROM), riding on our slogan Hope for the Future, we are very much aware that acts of kindness play a vital role in restoring hope among the most vulnerable members of the community, particularly children. For this reason, we provide health, education, social and psychological among other support to children under our Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program. Education is the key that unlocks the door to a brighter future, and this initiative epitomizes the profound impact a united community can make when it rallies behind its most vulnerable members: school fees, scholastic materials and nutrition support is provided to the less privileged children to give then a second chance in life through acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for a better quality of life. For this reason, ROM has embarked on a noble Charity Drive come 2nd December 2023 to raise funds for supporting the education of the vulnerable children.

Charity activities do not only transform recipients but also are opportunities to grow ourselves (the givers) in spirit, contributing to the developing our communities, country and world in a bigger picture for a stronger and more equitable society.

My kind reminder is that together, we can create a better world for every one through acts of kindness that help them overcome adversity. The many success stories of charity work should inspire us to help even more and always rally behind those taking lead in this noble cause. What do you do to extend love to others in your community?

Michael Buwembo, is a Community Officer at Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative.

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