The young mothers club is an initiative established to support teenage mothers who are often faced with challenges of lack of social support, unemployment and ignorance of HIV services that are available. ROM comes in to support them according to the communities. These mothers meet quarterly to discuss the challenges they face as well as equip themselves with financial literacy (through Village Saving and Loans Association) and how to seek justice when abused.
Our Programs
Mother and child care
ROM offers a comprehensive program of antenatal and postnatal care, counselling, medical treatment and follow-ups
As a way to mitigate the health effects of HIV/AIDS ROM in 2020 extended service
Children and adolescents are tested for HIV through HIV testing and counselling services at clinics,
Gender Based Violence
Educating, Screening and linking to support.
ROM sponsors Orphans and Vulnerable Children with school fees, scholastic materials, nutritional support, and psychosocial interventions.
At ROM, we believe that the best way to stop the spread of HIV is
At ROM, tuberculosis (TB) services have been integrated with HIV services, through screening all HIV
Economic Empowerment
To cut extreme vulnerability cycles and support positive health outcomes among ROM beneficiaries, customized economic
Young Mothers
The young mothers club is an initiative established to support teenage mothers who are often
Grand mothers
To improve the well-being of extremely vulnerable grandmothers and their households as key OVC caregivers.