HIV Testing and Counseling


1. VCT
A Reach Out Mbuya counselor talks to a patient at a Reach Out medical clinic.

HIV counseling and testing is the main entry point into all of ROM’s programs. Trained counselors meet with clients before and after they take their HIV test. HIV counseling and testing is offered through ROM’s four clinical centers, mobile outreaches, moonlight clinics and public-private partnership centers, home-based care visits, and community events, such as prevention activities. ROM focuses particularly on reaching out to those populations who are most at risk or more likely to have HIV. These include female sex workers, truckers, men who have sex with men, and fisherfolk, as well as couples and adolescents.

In 2015, 27,653 people (54.3% female) were counseled, tested, and given results for their HIV test.

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Numbers Accessing HIV Testing and Counseling, 2010-2015

