Newsletter June 2023

Economic empowerment through Social Enterprises to support young mothers

In June, ROM officially launched Social Enterprises-a community development initiative as a means of transitioning her income generating arm for OVC support initiatives to empower young people through skilling and income generation. Through her social impact mission and a vast community engagement experience based on a holistic approach, social enterprises will enable ROM to provide […]

Economic empowerment through Social Enterprises to support young mothers Read More »

With support from ROM, I defeated Cervical Cancer-Jacinta

Jacinta Namuddu is a 52-year-old mother of two widowed at an early age, is a resident of Mutungo in Nakawa Division-Kampala District. For two years, Jacinta struggled with Cervical cancer that was diagnosed at stage two, but with support from Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative, she won the battle and is now an advocate

With support from ROM, I defeated Cervical Cancer-Jacinta Read More »

Cancer screening and treatment, the way to go

Why cancer screening is everyone’s responsibility Discussing cancer is not a welcomed subject as it is not a cheap disease to deal with. Despite this, cancer remains the second leading cause of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases. The 2018 World Health Organization Global Cancer facts and figures-4th edition defines cancer as a group of diseases

Cancer screening and treatment, the way to go Read More »

The Grandmothers project: Phasing Out but impact still shining

Implemented at Kasaala in Luweero district, the grandmother’s project has for the last seven years made remarkable impact on the lives of the elderly and their dependents. Although the beneficiaries are saddened by the phasing out of the project, they are at the same appreciative of the medical care, economic empowerment and psycho-social support received

The Grandmothers project: Phasing Out but impact still shining Read More »

Innovation Giants: ROM wins Makerere University’s best Innovation Award for e-health HIV services delivery during Covid-19

In May 2023, ROM won Shs. 14.3millions having merged the best in the Makerere University School of Public Health’s Innovation challenge that focused on addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The award was to further develop their innovative solution implemented under the E-health for HIV Service Delivery program, an electronic community health information system and the Uganda

Innovation Giants: ROM wins Makerere University’s best Innovation Award for e-health HIV services delivery during Covid-19 Read More »

ROM gets new Board of Directors; Please meet Fr. James Jjumba-the new Chairperson of ROM B.O.D

Rev. Fr. James Jjumba is now the Chairperson of the ROM Board of Directors. We pray that God guides you as you take on this responsibility of serving the most vulnerable members of the community.   We are so delighted for the great opportunity we have got to serve mankind under your guidance

ROM gets new Board of Directors; Please meet Fr. James Jjumba-the new Chairperson of ROM B.O.D Read More »

ROM VS Cipla Quality Chemicals Limited: a memorable experience of corporate humor

In June, ROM organized a friendly tournament with Cipla Quality Chemicals Industries for purposes of team building, awareness creation and room for further engagement between the two parties. Staff displayed their skills in football, volleyball and netball. It was an exciting evening characterized with lots of fun; cheers, laughter, togetherness, falls and a lot more

ROM VS Cipla Quality Chemicals Limited: a memorable experience of corporate humor Read More »

Nutrition: Food demonstrations for breastfeeding mothers to boost early Childhood development.

ROM, with support from USAID through the Integrated Child and Youth Development Activity organized a food demonstration at Mbuya to teach pregnant and breastfeeding mothers how to prepare cheap but nutritious meals for their growing babies.  By the end of the food demonstration, mothers had acquired the skills and knowledge that a complete meal comprises

Nutrition: Food demonstrations for breastfeeding mothers to boost early Childhood development. Read More »