Newsletter June 2022

ROM at the Interest 2022 International Conference

Almost 600 attendees joined the conference and took part in the discussions around HIV care and prevention, COVID-19 and HIV medicines, key populations programming, and many other important and diverse topics. ROM’s ‘Men’s Uptake of HIV Testing’ abstract was one of the unique elements during the Interest 2022 International Conference held in Uganda recently. ROM […]

ROM at the Interest 2022 International Conference Read More »

Skilling of Young Mothers & Adolescents

55 adolescents and young mothers under the care of the ROM supported grandmothers received certificates of completion in hair dressing and tailoring infused with life skilling and practical entrepreneurship from ROM. Cutting extreme vulnerabilities starts with one owning of their success. At ROM we offer second chance schooling that works as a springboard for multiple

Skilling of Young Mothers & Adolescents Read More »

ROM’s support for OVC yields at COWA: Patience and Bildard credit ROM for agribusiness skills

As a first-time visitor at Companionship of Works Association (COWA) Banda, you will be taken up by the astonishing beauty of the institution’s compound. Never will you miss to ask who is behind all this, so nice that it is hard to tell whether these amazing plants, are for food or decoration. Most of them

ROM’s support for OVC yields at COWA: Patience and Bildard credit ROM for agribusiness skills Read More »

Improved Service Delivery Site Improvement Through Monitoring (SIMS) visit at ROM

The US Centre for Disease Control officials in June were at ROM on a Site Improvement through Monitoring (SIMS) support visit. The periodic visit is aimed at offering site support to the facility with the overall objective of offering improved services during implementation. Through this continued support, ROM scores high in providing quality services in

Improved Service Delivery Site Improvement Through Monitoring (SIMS) visit at ROM Read More »

Drake University commend ROM for Community empowerment

On 19th of May 2022, Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative in collaboration with Makerere Business School was pleased to host students from Drake University, USA. The 13 students were on a study abroad program under the theme “Sustainable Development in Sub-Sahara Africa”. ROM has over the years always participated in this program and is

Drake University commend ROM for Community empowerment Read More »

SHE-SOARS- ROM strives to improve lives of out of school girls

ROM has launched yet another intervention to support adolescents’ life skilling. The Sexual, Reproductive Health and Economic Empowerment Supporting Out of School Adolescent girls’ Rights and Skills (SHE-SOARS) project aims at increasing equitable use of ASRHR services by diverse groups of adolescent girls particularly those out of school and children’s rights holders. ROM will be

SHE-SOARS- ROM strives to improve lives of out of school girls Read More »

ROM On Track In Building Resilience Among Vulnerable Children

ROM is implementing the Integrated Child and Youth Development Activity (ICYD) Project in Kampala District. The intervention strives to ensure Uganda’s children especially girls and the most vulnerable lead resilient and productive livelihoods. Justine Amera (not real name) is one of the mothers who had lost hope after her sixteen-year-old daughter conceived the during Covid-19

ROM On Track In Building Resilience Among Vulnerable Children Read More »

Lactating Mothers learn care for infants at Postnatal Care training

Reach Out Mbuya organized a postnatal Care training on 21st May, targeting 80 lactating mothers and their partners from the three Reach Out Mbuya sites; Kinawataka, Banda and Mbuya. Clinicians took the mothers through a number of important pointers including Antenatal Care, its importance to pregnant mothers and when to enroll at health facility in

Lactating Mothers learn care for infants at Postnatal Care training Read More »