Newsletter March 2023

Project update: SINOVUYO for Positive Parenting

Reach Out Mbuya has for the past two years positively impacted on over 8,800 lives of 14–17-year-old adolescents and their primary care givers through developing skills in communication, support and problem solving amongst themselves. Beneficiaries are taken through Gender-based Violence, HIV prevention services and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) education. This way, they learn building positive […]

Project update: SINOVUYO for Positive Parenting Read More »

Project Updates: SHE SOARS gives hope to Out of School Youths

Success story With ROM’s support Ojiambo can now see the future “My name is Kenneth Ojiambo. I am 19 years old, living in Kirombe, Nakawa district in Kampala district. I came to Kampala in 2021 when my grandmother with whom I lived in Namayingo district sent me to my uncle in Kampala to learn mechanics.

Project Updates: SHE SOARS gives hope to Out of School Youths Read More »

Skills development for Adolescent Girls & Young Women

To empower the Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Kampala and Luweero districts, ROM has continuously given opportunities in vocational training such as tailoring and catering. True service above self: Rotary Club donates sewing machines to Roses of Mbuya On March 22nd, the Rotary Club of Kampala West donated 20 sewing machines to members of

Skills development for Adolescent Girls & Young Women Read More »

The Mobile Van: Comprehensive HIV Services closer to you

Twelve years of Mobile outreach services for comprehensive HIV services to key and priority populations. Because they live in hard-to-reach areas and their behavior always put them at risk of getting HIV, we take services like HIV prevention messages, treatment services, ART and GBV services nearer to their residence or place of work. Find us

The Mobile Van: Comprehensive HIV Services closer to you Read More »

ROM enhances efforts for HIV and Gender-based violence prevention among the youth in communities

Youths, particularly females, have continued to suffer from Gender-based Violence (GBV) yet they stay with the perpetrators. During these sessions, the youths get information about HIV/AIDS, GBV, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Services and other behavioral change information. They are helped build self-confidence, encourage critical thinking, foster independence and communicate more effectively. Results indicate

ROM enhances efforts for HIV and Gender-based violence prevention among the youth in communities Read More »

Know your HIV status now. Reach Out Mbuya goes to homes, bars!

As ROM, we have reorganized HIV care from health centres to community-based care, to facilitate access to HIV services for everyone through community testing. We now reach everyone where they are; home or at the bar. The Men’s Clinic Reach Out Mbuya has continued to carry out HIV testing and counselling among men especially those

Know your HIV status now. Reach Out Mbuya goes to homes, bars! Read More »

Paediatric Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART): When endurance and prayer out way the challenges

By Tom Douglas Opio As a child, when one talks about the pill you develop goose bumps, for this is a disliked topic among people at this age. From my experience, the genesis of swallowing the pill is very painful because as a child, you don’t even know why you are taking the medicine but

Paediatric Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART): When endurance and prayer out way the challenges Read More »

Three Years of treatment for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

It is now three years since ROM integrated the treatment of NCDs in routine HIV care and current results indicate positive strides. Previously, patients consistently presented with diabetes, hypertension, cervical and breast cancers and mental disorders which interfered with efforts to suppress the virus. “Early screening, detection and treatment of NCDs as well as palliative

Three Years of treatment for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Read More »